
English translation unavailable for feel.


US /fiːl/ 
UK /fiːl/ 

Oxford Essential Dictionary


 verb (feels, feeling, felt /, has felt)

1 to know something because your body tells you:
How do you feel?
I don't feel well.
I'm feeling tired.
He felt somebody touch his arm.

2 used for saying how something seems when you touch it or experience it:
The water felt cold.
This towel feels wet – can I have a dry one?
My coat feels like leather, but it's not.

3 to touch something in order to find out what it is like:
Feel this wool – it's really soft.

4 to have an opinion about something same meaning believe:
I feel that we should talk about this.

5 to try to find something with your hands instead of your eyes:
She felt in her pocket for some matches.

feel like something to want something:
Do you feel like going for a walk?
I don't feel like going out tonight.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


I.   verb

I. feel1 S1 W1 /fiːl/ verb (past tense and past participle felt /felt/)
  [Word Family: noun: feel, feeling, feelings; verb: feel; adjective: unfeeling]
 [Language: Old English; Origin: felan]
 1. FEELING/EMOTION  [linking verb, transitive] to experience a particular physical feeling or emotion:
   • Do you still feel hungry?
   • You can never tell what he’s feeling.
   • Stop exercising if you feel any pain.
  feel fine/good/comfortable etc
   • I’m feeling a little better today.
   • Marie immediately felt guilty.
  feel as if/as though
   • When his dad left, he felt as though his world had turned upside-down.
   • I felt like I’d really achieved something.
 2. NOTICE  [transitive not in progressive] to notice something that is happening to you, especially something that is touching you:
   • She felt his warm breath on her cheek.
   • The earthquake was felt as far south as San Diego.
  feel somebody/something do something
   • She felt his arms go round her.
  feel yourself doing something
   • I felt myself blushing.
 3. FEEL SMOOTH/DRY ETC  [linking verb] to give you a particular physical feeling, especially when you touch or hold something
  feel smooth/cold/damp etc
   • Her hands felt rough.
   • The house felt hot and stuffy.
  feel as if/as though
   • My leg feels as if it’s broken.
   • It’s nice fabric – it feels like velvet.
 4. FEEL GOOD/STRANGE/EXCITING ETC  [linking verb] if a situation, event etc feels good, strange etc, that is the emotion or feeling that it gives you:
   • After twenty years, seeing him again felt very strange.
  feel ... to be/do something
   • It felt wonderful to be wearing clean clothes again.
   • How does it feel to be 40?
   • It’s been a year since her daughter died, but to her, it still feels like yesterday.
 5. HAVE AN OPINION  [transitive not usually in progressive] to have a particular opinion, especially one that is based on your feelings, not on facts
  feel (that)
   • Some of the parents felt the school wasn’t doing enough about bullying.
  feel about
   • How would you feel about working with Nicole for a while?
   • The experience of rape can change how a woman feels about her body.
  feel sure/certain (=think that something is definitely true)
   • She felt sure she’d made the right decision.
 6. feel like (doing) something spoken to want to have something or do something:
   • He didn’t feel like going to work.
   • Do you feel like another drink?
 7. TOUCH  [transitive] to touch something with your fingers to find out about it:
   • She felt his forehead. Perhaps he had a temperature.
   • Mum, feel this stone. Isn’t it smooth?
  feel how hard/soft/rough etc something is
   • He could feel how damp his shirt was against his chest.
 8. feel around/on/in etc something (for something) to search for something with your fingers:
   • She felt in her bag for a pencil.
 9. feel the force/effects/benefits etc of something to experience the good or bad results of something:
   • The local economy is beginning to feel the effects of the recession.
 10. feel the need to do something to believe that you need to do something:
   • Children who can talk to their parents feel less need to try drugs.
 11. feel your way
   a) to move carefully, with your hands out in front of you, because you cannot see properly:
   • Silently, she felt her way across the room.
   b) to do things slowly and carefully, because you are not completely sure about a new situation
  feel your way towards
   • The European Union is still feeling its way towards common policies.
 12. feel free spoken used to tell someone that they can do something if they want to:
   • ‘Could I use your phone for a minute?’ ‘Feel free.’
  feel free to do something
   • Please feel free to make suggestions.
 13. I know (just/exactly) how you feel spoken used to express sympathy with someone or with a remark they have just made:
   • I know how you feel, Mark, but maybe it’s better not to confront him.
 14. not feel yourself spoken to not feel as healthy or happy as usual:
   • I don’t know what’s wrong. I just don’t feel quite myself.
 15. feel your age to realize that you are not as young or active as you used to be:
   • Looking at his grandson made him really feel his age.
 16. feel the cold/heat to suffer because of cold or hot weather:
   • Old people tend to feel the cold more.
 17. feel a death/a loss etc to react very strongly to a bad event, especially someone’s death:
   • Susan felt her grandmother’s death more than the others.
 feel for somebody phrasal verb
   to feel sympathy for someone:
   • At the Center, the other mothers know what it’s like, and they really feel for you.
 feel somebody ↔ out phrasal verb American English informal
   to find out what someone’s opinions or feelings are, without asking them directly:
   • I thought I’d feel out some of my colleagues before the meeting.
 feel somebody ↔ up phrasal verb informal
   to touch someone sexually, without their permission
 feel up to something phrasal verb [usually in questions and negatives] informal
   to have the strength, energy etc to do something:
   • I just didn’t feel up to going.

II.   noun

II. feel2 noun
  [Word Family: noun: feel, feeling, feelings; verb: feel; adjective: unfeeling]
 1. [singular] a quality that something has that makes you feel or think a particular way about it:
   • Despite their age, the photographs have a modern feel.
  feel about
   • The restaurant has a nice relaxed feel about it.
 2. [singular] the way that something feels when you touch it
  feel of
   • I like the feel of this cloth.
   • a soft feathery feel
 3. have/get/give a feel for something informal to have or develop an understanding of something and skill in doing it:
   • exercises that give a child a feel for numbers
 4. [uncountable] when you use your hands, body etc to feel something SYN touch
  by feel
   • She found the light switch by feel.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


feel [feel feels felt feeling] verb, noun   [fiːl]    [fiːl]

verb (felt, felt   [felt]  ;   [felt]  ) 




1. linking verb to experience a particular feeling or emotion

+ adj. The heat made him feel faint.

• She sounded more confident than she felt.

• I was feeling guilty.

• You'll feel better after a good night's sleep.

• She felt betrayed.

• I feel sorry for him.

+ adv./prep. How are you feeling today?

• I know exactly how you feel (= I feel sympathy for you).

• Luckily I was feeling in a good mood.

~ sth He seemed to feel no remorse at all.

+ noun Standing there on stage I felt a complete idiot.

~ like sth I felt like a complete idiot.  




2. transitive (not usually used in the progressive tenses) to notice or be aware of sth because it is touching you or having a physical effect on you

Syn:  sense

~ sth I could feel the warm sun on my back.

• She could not feel her legs.

• I can't feel his pulse.

• He felt a hand on his shoulder.

~ sb/sth/yourself doing sth He felt a hand touching his shoulder.

• She could feel herself blushing.

• He felt the sweat running down his face.

~ sb/sth/yourself do sth I felt something crawl up my arm.

• We felt the ground give way under our feet.

3. transitive (not usually used in the progressive tenses) ~ sth to become aware of sth even though you cannot see it, hear it, etc.

Syn:  sense

• Can you feel the tension in this room?  




4. linking verb (not used in the progressive tenses) to give you a particular feeling or impression

+ adj. It felt strange to be back in my old school.

• My mouth felt completely dry.

~ like sth The interview only took ten minutes, but it felt like hours.

• It feels like rain (= seems likely to rain).

~ as if/though… Her head felt as if it would burst.

• It felt as though he had run a marathon.

• How does it feel to be alone all day?  In spoken English people often use like instead of as if or as though in this meaning, especially in NAmE

• He felt like he'd run a marathon. This is not considered correct in written BrE.  




5. linking verb (not used in the progressive tenses) to have a particular physical quality which you become aware of by touching

+ adj. The water feels warm.

• Its skin feels really smooth.

~ like sth This wallet feels like leather.

6. transitive to deliberately move your fingers over sth in order to find out what it is like

~ sth Can you feel the bump on my head?

• Try to tell what this is just by feeling it.

~ how, what, etc… Feel how rough this is.  




7. transitive, intransitive (not usually used in the progressive tenses) to think or believe that sth is the case; to have a particular opinion or attitude

~ (that)… We all felt (that) we were unlucky to lose.

• I felt (that) I had to apologize.

• I feel I could continue playing until I am 35.

~ it to be sth She felt it to be her duty to tell the police.

~ it + noun She felt it her duty to tell the police.

~ it + adj. I felt it advisable to do nothing.

(+ adv./prep.) This is something I feel strongly about.

• This decision is, I feel, a huge mistake.  




8. transitive ~ sth to experience the effects or results of sth, often strongly

• He feels the cold a lot.

• Cathy was really feeling the heat.

• She felt her mother's death very deeply.

• The effects of the recession are being felt everywhere.

• We all felt the force of her arguments.  




9. intransitive ~ (in sth/about/around, etc.) (for sth) to search for sth with your hands, feet, etc

• He felt in his pockets for some money.

• I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch.

more at look/feel like death warmed up at  death, be/feel flattered at  flatter, be/feel hard done by at  hard  adv., (feel) honour bound to do sth at  honour  n., be/feel honoured to do sth at  honour  v., be/feel like jelly at  jelly, not be/feel up to the mark at  mark  n., look/feel like a million dollars/bucks at  million, make your presence felt at  presence, look/feel small at  small  adj.


Word Origin:


Old English fēlan, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch voelen and German fühlen.



feel verb

1. I, T

• I felt the warm sun on my back.

sense • • experience • • know • |especially written taste

feel/experience/know/taste joy

feel/sense/experience a need

feel/experience (a/an) sense/sensation/emotion/urge/pang/surge/rush/stab

Feel or sense? You usually feel your own feelings and emotions but sense sb else's

• He felt a terrible pain in his chest.

• She sensed the pain he was feeling.

2. linking verb (not used in the progressive tenses)

• It felt strange to be back in my old school.

seem • • sound • • look • • appear

feel/seem/sound/appear/look odd/OK/nice, etc.

feel/seem/sound/look like sth

feel/seem/sound/look as if/as though…

Feel or sound? Use sound to talk about the impression you get from hearing sb/sth; use feel to talk about your own or other people's feelings

• He sounded happy, but I don't think he felt it.

3. T

• Can you feel the lump on my head?

touch • • brush • |written graze

feel/touch/brush/graze sb/sth with sth

4. T, I (not used in the progressive tenses)

• We all felt that we were lucky to win.

think • • believe • • consider • • be under the impression that… • |especially BrE, informal, especially spoken reckon • |formal hold

feel/think/believe sth of/about sb/sth

feel/think/believe/consider/be under the impression/reckon/hold that…

be felt/thought/believed/considered/reckoned/held to be sth

5. I (always used with an adverb or preposition)

• He felt in his pockets for some money.

grope • • fumble • • rummage • • fish • |especially BrE scrabble

feel/grope/fumble/rummage/fish/scrabble around/about

feel/grope/fumble/rummage/fish around/scrabble in/for sth

feel/grope your way somewhere

Feel or grope? You can feel or grope around in the dark. When you feel around you are likely to do it in an easier, more controlled way than if you grope around.




believe • feel • reckon • be under the impression

These words all mean to have an idea that sth is true or possible or to have a particular opinion about sb/sth.

think • to have an idea that sth is true or possible, although you are not completely certain; to have a particular opinion about sb/sth: Do you think (that) they'll come? ◊ Well, I like it. What do you think?

believe • to have an idea that sth is true or possible, although you are not completely certain; to have a particular opinion about sb/sth: Police believe (that) the man may be armed.

think or believe?

When you are expressing an idea that you have or that sb has of what is true or possible, believe is more formal than think. It is used especially for talking about ideas that other people have; think is used more often for talking about your own ideas: Police believe… ◊ I think… When you are expressing an opinion, believe is stronger than think and is used especially for matters of principle; think is used more for practical matters or matters of personal taste.

feel • to have a particular opinion about sth that has happened or about what you/sb ought to do: We all felt (that) we were unlucky to lose.

reckon • (informal) to think that sth is true or possible: I reckon (that) I'm going to get that job.

be under the impression that… • to have an idea that sth is true: I was under the impression that the work had already been completed.

to think/believe/feel/reckon/be under the impression that…

It is thought/believed/reckoned that…

to be thought/believed/felt/reckoned to be sth

to think/believe/feel sth about sb/sth

to sincerely/honestly/seriously/mistakenly think/believe/feel


Example Bank:

• He sounded happy, but I don't think he felt it.

• It feels like rain.

• He feels very strongly about a lot of issues.

• Her loss has been keenly felt.

• I really feel for you in your position.

• I really felt bad about what I had done.

• He felt no remorse at all.

• I can't feel his pulse.

• I felt (like) a complete idiot.

• I know exactly how you feel.

• This decision is, I feel, a huge mistake.

• We all felt the force of his arguments.

• You'll feel better after a good night's sleep.

Idioms: feel free  feel good  feel in your bones  feel like like doing something  feel sick  feel sick to your stomach  feel the pinch  feel your age  feel your ears burning  feel your way  get the feel of of doing something  have a feel for something  not feel yourself

Derived: feel for somebody  feel somebody up  feel up to something 


noun singular  




1. the feel the feeling you get when you touch sth or are touched

• You can tell it's silk by the feel.

• She loved the feel of the sun on her skin.

2. an act of feeling or touching

• I had a feel of the material.  




3. the impression that is created by a place, situation, etc; atmosphere

• It's a big city but it has the feel of a small town.

• The room has a comfortable feel to it.

• There is an international feel to the restaurant.


Word Origin:

Old English fēlan, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch voelen and German fühlen.

Example Bank:

• It's a big city but it has the feel of a small town.

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary


feel (UNDERSTANDING) /fiːl/
noun (ALSO feeling)
a feel for sth a natural understanding or ability, especially in a subject or activity:
She has a real feel for language.
I tried learning the piano, but I never had much of a feel for it.


feel (CHARACTER) /fiːl/
noun [S] (ALSO feeling)
the character of a place or situation:
I like the decoration - it's got quite a Spanish feel to it.
There was a feel of mystery about the place.
We were there for such a short time, we didn't really get the feel of (= get to know) the place.


feel (OPINION) /fiːl/
verb [I or T] felt, felt
to have the opinion, or consider:
[+ (that)] I feel (that) I should be doing more to help her.
[R (+ to be) + adjective] He had always felt himself (to be) inferior to his brothers.
Do you feel very strongly (= have strong opinions) about this?
I feel certain I'm right.

feeling /ˈfiː.lɪŋ/
noun [C]
My feeling is that we had better act quickly or it will be too late.


feel (TOUCH) /fiːl/
verb [I or T] felt, felt
to touch something in order to discover something about it:
[+ question word] Just feel how cold my hands are!
He gently felt the softness of the baby's cheek.
I was feeling (around) (= searching with my hand) in my bag for the keys.

feel /fiːl/
1 [S] the way that something feels:
She loved the feel of silk against her skin.

2 [C] MAINLY UK INFORMAL the action of touching something:
Is that shirt silk? Ooh, let me have a feel!


feel (EXPERIENCE) /fiːl/
verb [L or T] felt, felt
to experience something physical or emotional:
"How are you feeling?" "Not too bad, but I've still got a slight headache."
How would you feel about moving to a different city?
He's still feeling a bit weak after his operation.
My eyes feel really sore.
I never feel safe when I'm being driven by Richard.
Never in her life had she felt so happy.
My suitcase began to feel really heavy after a while.
I felt (= thought that I was) a complete idiot/such a fool.
She felt his hot breath on her neck.
[+ object + ing form of verb] I could feel the sweat trickling down my back.
By midday, we were really feeling (= suffering from) the heat.

feeling /ˈfiː.lɪŋ/
noun [C or U]
1 when you feel something physical:
I had a tingling feeling in my fingers.
I've got this strange feeling in my stomach.
My toes were so cold that I'd lost all feeling in them.

2 emotion:
The feeling of loneliness suddenly overwhelmed him.
There's a feeling of dissatisfaction with the government.
[+ that] I got the feeling that I was not welcome.
Her performance seemed to me completely lacking in feeling.
NOTE: See Note sentiments or feelings? at sentiment.

feelingly /ˈfiː.lɪŋ.li/
with deep and sincere emotion:
"I've just had enough!" she said feelingly.

feelings /ˈfiː.lɪŋz/
plural noun
emotions, especially those influenced by other people:
Some people say that dogs have feelings.
I wanted to spare his feelings (= not to upset him), so I didn't tell him what she'd said about him.

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary


 feels, feeling, felt
 1) V-LINK If you feel a particular emotion or physical sensation, you experience it.
  [V adj] I am feeling very depressed...
  [V adj] I will always feel grateful to that little guy...
  [V adj] I remember feeling sick.
  [V adj] ...soldiers who once felt proud to wear their uniforms...
  [V n] Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder...
  [V n] You won't feel a thing...
  [V as if] I felt as if all my strength had gone...
  [V like] I felt like I was being kicked in the teeth every day.
 2) V-LINK: no cont If you talk about how an experience or event feels, you talk about the emotions and sensations connected with it.
  [it V adj to-inf/that] It feels good to have finished a piece of work...
  [V adj] The speed at which everything moved felt strange...
  [it V as if] Within five minutes of arriving back from holiday, it feels as if I've never been away...
  [it V like] It felt like I'd had two babies instead of one...
  [V like -ing/n] Preparing for that first trial felt like learning the rules of a new game.
 3) V-LINK: no cont If you talk about how an object feels, you talk about the physical quality that you notice when you touch or hold it. For example, if something feels soft, you notice that it is soft when you touch it.
  [V adj] The metal felt smooth and cold...
  [V adj] The ten-foot oars felt heavy and awkward...
  [V like n] When the clay feels like putty, it is ready to use.
 N-SING: usu with supp
 Feel is also a noun. He remembered the feel of her skin... Linen raincoats have a crisp, papery feel.
 4) V-LINK: no cont If you talk about how the weather feels, you describe the weather, especially the temperature or whether or not you think it is going to rain or snow.
  [it V adj] It felt wintry cold that day. [Also it V like/as if]
 5) VERB If you feel an object, you touch it deliberately with your hand, so that you learn what it is like, for example what shape it is or whether it is rough or smooth.
  [V n] The doctor felt his head...
  [V n] When dry, feel the surface and it will no longer be smooth...
  [V wh] Feel how soft the skin is in the small of the back...
  [V prep/adv] Her eyes squeezed shut , she felt inside the tin, expecting it to be bare.
 6) VERB: no cont If you can feel something, you are aware of it because it is touching you.
  [V n] Through several layers of clothes I could feel his muscles...
  [V n prep/adv] He felt her leg against his.
 7) VERB If you feel something happening, you become aware of it because of the effect it has on your body.
  [V n -ing] She felt something being pressed into her hands...
  [V n inf] He felt something move beside him...
  [V pron-refl -ed] She felt herself lifted from her feet...
  [be V-ed] Tremors were felt 250 miles away.
 8) VERB If you feel yourself doing something or being in a particular state, you are aware that something is happening to you which you are unable to control.
  [V pron-refl inf] I felt myself blush...
  [V pron-refl -ing] If at any point you feel yourself becoming tense, make a conscious effort to relax...
  [V n inf] I actually felt my heart quicken. [Also V n -ing]
 9) VERB: no cont If you feel the presence of someone or something, you become aware of them, even though you cannot see or hear them.
  [V n] He felt her eyes on him...
  [V n] Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me...
  [V that] I could feel that a man was watching me very intensely...
  [V n -ing] He almost felt her wincing at the other end of the telephone.
 10) VERB: no cont If you feel that something is the case, you have a strong idea in your mind that it is the case.
  [V that] I feel that not enough is being done to protect the local animal life...
  [V adj that] I feel certain that it will all turn out well...
  [V n to-inf] She felt herself to be part of a large business empire...
  [V pron-refl n] I never felt myself a real child of the sixties.
 11) VERB: no cont If you feel that you should do something, you think that you should do it.
  [V that] I feel I should resign...
  [V that] He felt that he had to do it...
  [V -ed to-inf] You need not feel obliged to contribute...
  [V under n] They felt under no obligation to maintain their employees.
 12) VERB: no cont If you talk about how you feel about something, you talk about your opinion, attitude, or reaction to it.
  [V about n] We'd like to know what you feel about abortion...
  [V about n] How do you feel about going back to the neighborhood?...
  [V adj/adv about n] She feels guilty about spending less time lately with her two kids...
  [V n about n] He feels deep regret about his friend's death.
 13) VERB If you feel like doing something or having something, you want to do it or have it because you are in the right mood for it and think you would enjoy it.
  [V like -ing/n] Neither of them felt like going back to sleep...
  [V like -ing/n] Could we take a walk? I feel like a little exercise.
 14) VERB If you feel the effect or result of something, you experience it.
  [V n] The charity is still feeling the effects of revelations about its one-time president...
  [V n] The real impact will be felt in the developing world.
 15) N-SING: with supp The feel of something, for example a place, is the general impression that it gives you.
  The room has a warm, cosy feel.
  ...a book that takes on the feel of an epic.
  PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n If you get the feel of something, for example a place or a new activity, you become familiar with it.
  He wanted to get the feel of the place.
 16) → See also feeling, felt
 to feel something in your bonessee bone
 feel freesee free
  Phrasal Verbs:
  - feel for

Meeting People

  1. How do you feel when you meet new people? Do you think of yourself as shy or outgoing?
  2. Are you good at starting conversations with new people? What are some of the common topics you talk about?
  3. What are the things you are not supposed to ask a person you have just met?
  4. Do you usually leave a good first impression on people? If so, what do you owe it to?
  5. Do you tend to start a conversation with the people of same or opposite sex? Why is it so do you think?
  6. What kind of people do you like to meet?


  1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word happiness? What is happiness for you?
  2. Are you a happy person?
  3. Do you think happiness comes from inside or it depends on other people and things?
  4. When did you last feel very happy? What happened?
  5. How do you show your happiness? Do you share it with others or keep it private?
  6. Who are happier, single people or married ones? Why?
  7. What makes you unhappy?
  8. Which country has the happiest people in the world? Which has the saddest? Why is it so?


  1. Are you a kind person? Are you attracted to kind people?
  2. What's a random act of kindness? Have you ever done any?
  3. When you are kind with people and they are not, what policy do you adopt? Do you keep going or you feel abused and stop it?
  4. Who is the kindest person you know? What are some of his/her acts of kindness?
  5.  Do you believe that kindness depends on gender?
  6. Can you think of a life-changing act of kindness in your life?
  7. Have you ever been inspired by someone's act of kindness?


  1. Do you like to gossip? Why? Why not?
  2. Have you ever started a gossip? Why?
  3. Was gossiping common in your high school?
  4. Have you ever heard people gossiping about you? How did you feel? What did you do?
  5. Are you interested in celebrity gossip? Do you think they care about it?
  6. Do you know of any gossip that has caused serious troubles for people?
  7. Women tend to gossip more. Do you agree?


  1. What is stress? How often do you feel stressed?
  2. How do you physically feel when you are stressful?
  3. Do you think there is such a thing as good stress?
  4. What are some reasons that you feel stressed?
  5. Is modern life more stressful? Why?
  6. Is technology stressful?
  7. Can stress be dangerous? How?
  8. How do you behave when you are under stress?

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