
English translation unavailable for sport.

Martial Arts

  1. What are martial arts? Where is their origin?
  2. Why do we call them Arts rather than sports?
  3. Which Martial Art is the best in your opinion? Why?
  4. Have you ever done any of Martial arts? Would you like to try?
  5. Do you ever fight? Do you usually win or lose?
  6. Do you like watching Kung Fu movies?
  7. How do you compare martial arts with boxing and kick boxing?


  1. What's your favorite sport? Is it a team sport? What do you need to play it? Where can you play it?
  2. How often do you play your favorite sport? Do you ever watch it on TV/in stadium?
  3. What sports have you ever played? Which one did you enjoy most? Why? What did you like about it?
  4. Do you follow the sports news? Are you a fan of any teams?
  5. Do you prefer watching or playing sports? Which one do you do more often?
  6. How have sports changed in comparison with 25 years ago?
  7. What is the most dangerous sport?

Likes and Dislikes

  1. What kind of books do you like? Who's your favorite writer?
  2. What type of music do you like? Who's your favorite singer?
  3. What's your favorite sport? Use three adjectives to say why you like it?
  4. Do you like movies? What kind of movies do you enjoy? Who is your favorite actor/director?
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. What's your favorite food and restaurant?
  7. Do you like to watch TV? What programs do you watch on TV? 
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