130: Anger

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Questions about the Video File:

  1. What are some of the common things that make people angry?
  2. What are the effects of anger reactions according to recent studies?
  3. What does anger do to your immune system and heart?
  4. What is the breathing technique?
  5. What should you write in your journal?
  6. How can contextualization work?


General Questions:

  1. What makes you angry? Do most people become angry for that or is it just you?
  2. How often do you become angry? Is it more than average or less?
  3.  What do you do when you become angry? Do you impulsively act on it?
  4. Can anger be good? How?
  5. What makes you angry about modern life?
  6. What makes you angry about people's behavior?
  7. What color is anger? What’s its shape?
  8. What are some of the health problems caused by anger?
  9. Is it easy to hide your anger? Is it healthy?


Related Quotes:

  • “Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.” Ambrose Bierce
  • “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Gautama Buddha
  • “The greatest remedy for anger is delay.”  Thomas Paine


Related Words and Phrases:

Cut sb off (ph v) to suddenly drive sideways in front of another car

  • He drove recklessly and cut the other cars several times dangerously.

Shred (v) to cut a piece of paper or similar things into small pieces.

  • He shredded all their old photos angrily.

Freak out (ph v) to become or make someone very angry, upset or anxious

  • She freaked out when she was told that she was rejected by the university.

vein (n): a tube that carries blood in the body

  • I felt the blood racing through my veins as I shouted.

inevitable (adj) if something is inevitable you cannot stop it and it will happen anyway

  • In hectic modern lives, eating fast food seems inevitable.

sedate (adj): calm and composed.

  • She is the most sedate person I know, she hardly ever loses her temper, it seems nothing can affect her.

Punch (v) to hit someone or something with your clenched fist

  • Whenever he became angry he punched the wall.

The immune system: the system in your whole body that protects you from getting sick

  • The immune system diseases are somehow incurable.

Coronary disease (n) heart disease

  • Most coronary diseases are either congenital or caused by stress and tension.

excessive (adj) more than normal or what is required

  • Put your excessive luggage in the storage room.

Self-awareness (n) the state of having ample knowledge about one’s self and knowing deeply about one’s feeling and emotions

  • To overcome your fears, you need to promote your self-awareness.


 Inhale (v) to breathe in

  • Inhale deeply to calm down.

Exhale (v) to breathe out

  • Try to empty your lungs completely when you exhale.


Unclench (v) to let go of a tight grip; to let your fist or muscles free

  • Unclench your muscles to feel relaxed.

Slump (v) to sit heavily and not keeping your posture upright

  • She just slumped in the chair for a few minutes to relax and then started work again.

Posture (n) the way you sit or stand up

  • Take care of your posture or you will end up slouching.

Rational (adj) logical; reasonable

  • Retaking the test was the only rational solution after she failed.

Emotional (adj) based on feelings rather than thinking

  • Her first emotional reaction was breaking into tears.



Related Collocations

A vein pops out: when a vein pops up especially in your forehead it indicates high levels of emotions in particular the negative ones

  • As she was yelling at her children her veins popped out so suddenly that you could easily see it.

Physical health: the state of being healthy related to your body rather than your mind

*compare mental/emotional health

  • People address their physical health problems more often than their mental health problems.

Recent studies: newly conducted researches

  • Recent studies indicate that modern life has imposed extra stress on the life on average human.

Make a conscious effort: try hard deliberately

  • To treat your phobia, you need to make a conscious effort to face it.

Nasty health problems: serious or bad health problems

  • Her quick temper led him to some nasty health problems at a young age.

There are 5 Comments

Please leave a response to the following question as a comment: 

  • What makes you angry about people's behavior?

A lot to be said about what makes me angry about people's behaviors and demeanors. For instance, the way in which people get used to use (or get used in using ?? )  public services such as public transportations , like there is no patience anymore to be waited for passengers to get off the bus just for some minutes in place of holding each other in the door of bus ! Just think maybe a child is in this crowd ! OR when people break some do's and don'ts though they are aware Law is a need for living in a peaceful world. OR some irrespective acts toward environment like littering or spitting on the streets. OR some wrong attitudes and criticisms and also traditions that are induced to people. 

A great deal of things make me angry are the things happen in the public due to the conflicts and angers in family zone can be solved by talking or giving advice but You can't warn every doer of a bad act (blamer) and remind them do or don't do this. So, it needs to be more responsible and respectful to each other and boost the cultural development. 

Seems as i nag alot ! Lol ... I'll be waiting for the correction . Thanks a bunch!

Hi Neda, It was nice.

Here are some of your mistakes:

  • behaviors and demeanors > behavior and demeanor
  • the way in which people get used to use public services > the way people use public services…
  • in place of > instead of
  • Law > law
  • OR > ,or
  • i> I

You need to take part in a class.