
English translation unavailable for university.


  1. What are some of the good universities in your country? Have you gone to one? Why? Why not?
  2. Is going to university important to your family? Why?
  3. Is choosing a major at university easy?
  4. Did you study your favorite major at university? (if not, why?) what advice will you give to your brother/sister who wants to choose a major?
  5. How many years do students normally spend at university?
  6. Can you easily contact your professors outside the class?
  7. Does university life involve more fun or more study?


  1. What did you like/dislike about going to school? What was your favorite subject at school?
  2. Have you been to University? Why? Why not?
  3.  What did you study at university? Why? How long did it take/ does it take?
  4. Does your academic education help you find a better job? Does it help you do your job better?
  5. Do you think you had a good education?
  6. What are the good points and bad points about the educational system in schools of your country?
  7. Do you enjoy learning? Are you doing a course now?


  1. How do you describe a self-reliant person?
  2. Are you self-reliant? How about your brothers/sisters/parents? Do you need to be more self-reliant? Why?
  3. How can you teach your children to be self-reliant?
  4. Do you choose your clothes? How old were you when you first chose your clothes?
  5. Did you choose your major at high school by yourself? How about at University?
  6. What are the things you can't decide about easily? Who do you get help from? Who makes the final decision?
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