درخواست برای فکر کردن و تصمیم گرفتن

اشتراک گذاری در شبکه های اجتماعی

Asking to Think about/Decide


A EXAMPLES (Read, Discuss and Practice)

A مثال‌ها (بخوانید ، بحث کنید و تمرین کنید)

Asking to Think About

درخواست برای فکر کردن در مورد موضوعی

Think about it.

بهش فکر کن.

Think it over.

خوب درموردش فکر کن. 

Give it some thought.

کمی بهش فکر کن. 

Consider it a while.

یک مدت در مورد این موضوع فکر کن.

Please give it your consideration.

لطفا این موضوع را در نظر داشته باشید.

I'd like to ask you to consider working with us.

مایلم از شما درخواست کنم که به همکاری با ما فکر کنید. 

Asking to Decide

درخواست برای تصمیم گرفتن

Make up your mind.

تصمیمت را بگیر.

Decide what you want to do.

تصمیم بگیر می خوای چیکار کنی.

Make a decision one way or the other.

هر طور شده باید تصمیم بگیری.

Have you made up your mind yet?

هنوز تصمیم نگرفتی؟

So what do you say?

خب نظرت چیه؟ 

What have you decided to do?

تصمیم گرفتی چیکاری کنی؟ برای آینده ات چه تصمیمی گرفتی؟

What's your decision?

تصمیمت چیه؟

B MODELS (Read, Discuss and Perform the following model dialogues)

B مدل‌ها (محاوره‌های مدل ذیل را بخوانید، موردبحث قراردهید و اجراکنید)

1. A manager is talking with an employee.


M: Excuse me, Mike. Can I talk with you a minute?


E: Sure. What can I do for you?


M: I'm working on this year's vacation schedule. Have you thought about when you want to go on vacation?


E: Uhmmm . . . Not yet. I've been too busy.


M: Well, you're doing great work, but you need some time off. Think about it, O.K.? Let me know by Friday.


E: O.K. I'll give it some thought. . .


2. An insurance agent is talking with a customer on the phone.


IA: ... so, if you're tired of paying so much for car insurance, I'd like you to consider Safe-Life Insurance. I'm sure we can save you money. What do you say?


C: Uhm, well, I'll think it over . . .


I A: Yes, please do give it your consideration. Remember, you can never have too much insurance in this uncertain world . . .


3. Two friends are shopping together.


FI: Tell me, Doug. Which pair do you like better?


F2: I told you ... I think both pairs are nice.


F1: I just can't decide which to buy . . .


F2: C'mon. Make up your mind, will you? It's getting late . . .


C SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES (Discuss and Perform)

C فعالیت‌های پیشنهادی (بحث کنید و انجام دهید)

What would you do in the following situations?


1. You are talking with a friend. You want to use your camera. He/she seems interested, but can't decide.


2. You are a sales person, and you sell cosmetics door to door. You're talking with a customer who seems to be interested.


3. Two friends are in an ice-cream shop. It is their turn to order. One can't decide what kind of ice-cream to get.